Sunday 9 August 2009

the last day of the holidays..

While the boys and I have had a quiet week potty training and playing around the ship, Tommy and the teachers have been having teacher training, endless meetings and working almost every evening, and even at the swimming pool yesterday, on new versions of the timetable and other things ready for tomorrow. Tonight the school is open for families to visit the teachers in their new classrooms before they start back tomorrow. It has felt like a very long last week, our cabin has been too noisy to stay in during working hours so we have not been able to have friends to play, deck 7 has been too noisy to play on without wearing ear protection, deck 8 has been unloading containers.... It will be nice to have some routine again, it will be nice not to have to constantly entertain the boys single handedly, it will be nice when Tommy actually gets to have some time off (although I can't see that being yet...but i am counting down the days until Christmas...and will make sure that Tommy has a break next summer...)

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