Wednesday 30 November 2011


The end of the field servie in Sierra Leone is approaching.

There were the last eye patients,
The last dental patients,
The last patients at the HOPE centre,
The last surgeries on board,
The last patients to leave the hospital,
The last day workers finishing, most left last week. 

We have had our last family day out,
I have had my last times of sitting in Freetown traffic,
I have had my last day working as a midwife at the Aberdeen Women's Centre.

And it is all a little strange.
I'm going to miss the midwives, the mama's and African baby cuddles. 
I'm going to miss seeing all the amusing sights while sitting in the Freetown traffic.
We're going to miss the beautiful beaches and mountains.

Soon we're going to miss the Ship and our friends, but for the next 10 days it is still home. We are so thankful that we had the opportunity to serve here this year, for all the people we met and fun things we have done. And we think of all the lives that have been changed because the Ship came to Sierra Leone for 2011 and that is quite an awesome thought. 

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